Thursday, October 25, 2012

New Understanding

This is it. My last post for this quarter and the conclusion of the first half of my quest to understanding polygamy.

Since I first started this blog, what seems like a lifetime but was only 8 short weeks ago, I have come to a better understanding of polygamy.  I still do not think I would ever consider the lifestyle to be one I would participate in, but I now can accept and see the reasons why others believe it is a good thing to do.  Through this portion of the project, I have been able to shed a little bit of my ethnocentric view of the topic of polygamy and have become significantly more culturally relativistic when it comes to the topic.

I've also really enjoyed reading all of the
polygamy related online comics! 
Through my research, articles, and videos, I have been able to get a better sense of the wide range of people who participate in, condone, or shun the practice and I have gotten the opportunity to see why these people believe what they do.

Going into this project, I truly believed that it was only those of the Mormon faith and maybe some small cult-like tribes who participated in polygamy, but now I have realized that it is not the the Mormons who are polygamists but that there are several other societies and groups that also subscribe to the polygamist belief.

I think that so far, this project has proven to be very interesting and has lead me to understand a subculture that I may have gotten the opportunity to learn about otherwise.  I am very happy with the places my research has taken me thus far and can't wait to see where it takes me next!

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